Importance of law
The well worn maxim says that the ignorance of law is no excuse applies with equal force to everyone including architects. Everyone who offers a service to others and claims expertise to do so what he offers has a responsibility to society in general and to his clients in particular to know the law.
Architecture is a social art that touches all human beings at all levels of their existence everywhere and everyday. This is the only discipline, which encompasses the four major fields of human endeavour : Humanities, Science, Art, and Technology, actually putting into practice the professional inputs drawn from them. In sum, Architecture is the matrix of human civilization - an authentic measure of the social status, and an evocative expression of the ethos of an era. When conserved, it is heritage and when in ruins, it becomes archaeology, reconstructing tell-tale pictures of the past civilizations.
The demands on the profession over the years have become much more complex in nature and much wider in scope. Architecture uses the philosophic wholesomeness of Humanities, the logical rationalism of Science, the passionate imagination of Art and the inexhaustible resources of Technology. It calls for originality, creativity, conceptualization, perception, aesthetic values, and a holistic judgment of people, places, objects and events.
Complete Article and Images are available in Building Giants Aug-Oct 2010 Issue