Rohan Mithila
A cluster of 7storied apartments with 800 flats had to be planned on 13acre land with roads on 3 sides.
Intent was to create a central landscape area where surrounding flats look in to it. A vehicular road on
periphery would keep central green totally traffic free.
Entry plaza with its double height colonnades behave as a transition space taking one away from noisy exterior space to the serene interiors. The entries at a higher level allows to view the entire stretch of green and slowly descends along wide cascading steps with water bodies reflecting the space around and making soothing sound of water .Multiple entries are carved out along the periphery, bring transparency in to the built form and breaking the monotony of facade.
Contributed by: Ar. Sanjay Mohe.
Complete Article and Images are available in Building Giants Feb 2014 Issue